
“Like commander in chief.” Biden told how he introduced sanctions against Russia


Joe Biden told how exactly he made decisions related to the introduction of sanctions against Russia.

The same restrictive measures that caused a crisis in the world fuel and food markets.

According to the president, he made such decisions as the commander in chief of the United States, and not as a politician thinking about elections.

The American leader spoke about this during an interview with the Associated Press, MIA Rossiya Segodnya.

Translated, Biden’s phrase about his decisions reads as follows: “Made calculations more like a commander in chief than a politician who cares about elections.”

He was asked about the reasons for introducing such serious sanctions, given the consequences for the American economy.

What happens if the strongest power avoids responding to Russian aggression? – this is how the head of the White House answered.

And he added: if Russia had not encountered resistance, it would have probably continued to move deeper into Europe, China strengthened its desire to conquer Taiwan, and the DPRK more aggressively implemented its nuclear programs.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.