
Lula considers announcing the name of the COP30 president in New York | Blogs


In the midst of , President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) is expected to announce the president of the UN during participation in the UN General Assembly. The Climate Conference will take place in Brazil in 2025.

Lula is scheduled to travel to New York on September 21st. The Minister of the Environment, Marina Silva, will also go to the UN. To reinforce its commitment to the climate agenda, Brazil outlined a strategy to make positive announcements.

The creation of a climate authority is one of them. The idea has existed since the 2022 electoral campaign. It never got off the ground due to disputes between the wing of the government considered more developmental and not interested in strengthening the more environmentalist wing, which is commanded by Marina Silva.

In the case of the COP30 presidency, this name will play a fundamental role in negotiating climate issues between countries. The role that requires political and relationship skills with participants.

Diplomat André Corrêa do Lago and the National Secretary for Climate Change, Ministry of the Environment, Ana Toni, are the most cited names.

Planalto’s assistants say that the most possible scenario is for Corrêa Lago and Ana to do double duty, one as president and the other as executive president of the group.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.