
Lula says that universalization of the SUS demands more resources and a drop in quality


President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva stated that the universalization of the health system has a “price” and, at the same time as it offers treatment to an entire population, there is a drop in the quality of the work provided. In a speech criticizing the administration of former president Jair Bolsonaro, Lula said, however, that he will not accept discredit.

“Since the SUS was created, a war was launched in an attempt to discredit the SUS, that the service was not of quality, that people were poorly served, that they were seen being treated in emergency room corridors,” he said. Lula, during the Oswaldo Cruz Medal of Merit ceremony this Wednesday, 11th, at Palácio do Planalto. One of those awarded was the first lady, Rosângela da Silva.

According to the president, however, these criticisms do not take into account that “every time we try to ensure that everyone has the right, the treatment is not the same as that when we treat half a dozen people”.

“Universalization has a price. The first is the good, of serving all humanity. The second is that it requires more resources, more work and often, with the number of people, the quality drops a little. But that was never a reason for us to accept the discredit of the SUS”, added the head of the federal Executive.

In the speech, Lula made several criticisms of the Bolsonaro government, especially the management’s stance in dealing with the covid-19 pandemic. “I never thought I would live in a moment in the history of Brazil when you had an official language from the President of the Republic, from Ministers of Health, from doctors with deputy mandates, having the effrontery to invent so many lies against vaccination,” he said.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.