
Lula visits Mexico to strengthen bilateral agreements


President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) leaves for Mexico on Sunday (29), where he will participate in the inauguration ceremony of Claudia Sheinbau, successor to Andrés Manuel Lopez-Obrador as president of the country.

In addition to the institutional visit, the Brazilian government delegation aims to strengthen trade agreements with Mexico, as well as promote discussions on regional integration, environmental issues and the promotion of gender equality.

On the economic agenda, the government has sought, since the early 2000s, to sign a free trade agreement with Mexico.

Currently, the assessment is that there is a “window of opportunities” to intensify exports to the country. A seminar with Brazilian and Mexican businesspeople will be held during the visit to present these opportunities.

The analysis is that a recent López-Obrador policy, which exempts import tariffs on basic food products, brought benefits to both countries. In Mexico, the measure contributed to reducing inflationary pressure, while, for Brazil, it represented an opening of markets.

The proximity between the two governments, which are left-wing, is also seen as a facilitator. Furthermore, Sheibaum appointed historian Lázaro Cárdenas, grandson of former Mexican president Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, as chief of staff.

The former Mexican president is considered a reference for both López-Obrador and Lula. The Brazilian president even received support from the family of Mexican politicians after leaving prison.

The grandson, in addition to already having the Brazilian president’s sympathy, is also an enthusiast of regional integration and has already held the position of permanent secretary of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac).

The integration of countries is a banner that Lula has defended since his first two terms and will be discussed again with the Mexican government. Mexico’s participation, as the third largest country in Latin America, is fundamental to strengthening the region.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.