
Lynching in the USA. President Biden signed the law


For a whole century, debates continued in American society about whether the lynching procedure was legal or not.

Let us remember that lynching (hence the term “lynching”) implies the deprivation of life of a suspect in a crime without trial.

The “sentence” was carried out, as a rule, by a street crowd. Most often those “found guilty” were hanged.

One hundred years of controversy ended with the signing of a law by the current US President Joe Biden, according to which lynching is prohibited.

Now this is the law, – the head of state MIA “Russia Today”.

Lynching is not only illegal, it is now considered a hate crime.

Accordingly, for reprisals without trial or investigation, they will be held criminally liable.

At the law signing ceremony, Biden recalled that almost a century ago, the only black congressman at the time, George White, first introduced anti-lynching legislation.

Hundreds of similar documents have not made it into law, the American leader said.

Thus, a hundred years later, the law was signed into law and lynching is now officially prohibited in the United States.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.