
Ministry of Mines and Energy asks for “collaboration from all concessionaires” to resolve blackout in SP


The Minister of Mines and Energy (MME), Alexandre Silveira, determined this Sunday (13) that the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) draw up an “emergency action” plan with the aim of restoring electricity in São Paulo. Silveira also demanded “collaboration from all concessionaires”.

According to the minister, the emergency plan must be drawn up in a meeting with Enel, responsible for the blackout that left almost 2.1 million people without power since Friday (11), and with the other distributors that supply the region.

The determination is contained in a letter signed by Silveira and addressed to Sandoval de Araújo Neto, general director of Aneel.

“I order your Lordship to hold a meeting, today, with Enel and other technical teams from electricity distributors that can assist with emergency actions to immediately resolve the situation in São Paulo and the metropolitan region”, stated in the letter.

Silveira also called the director of Aneel to a meeting on Monday (14), at 10 am, at the headquarters of the Electricity Trading Chamber (CCEE), in São Paulo. The objective is to present the contingency plan prepared by the technical teams, “so that the MME can demand the collaboration of all concessionaires in solving the problem”.

The technical meeting must include the participation of representatives from the companies EDP, CPFL, Neoenergia, Light, Equatorial, Energisa, Eletrobras and Isa Cteep.

Ministry asks Aneel to cover Enel

On Saturday, the MME reported that it had established a situation room for the blackout and asked Aneel to cover Enel to restore power.

The department’s note, in addition to indicating “reiterated” problems in Enel’s concession area, states that Aneel “fails to monitor the distributor”.

“Once again showing a lack of commitment to the population, the regulatory agency did not move forward with the process that could lead to the distributor’s forfeiture, requested a year ago by the Ministry, which should lead to an investigation of Aneel’s actions with the control bodies” , he wrote.

Aneel rebuts ministry

On Sunday night, Aneel responded to the letter sent by the MME about the measures in relation to the failures of the Enel distributor in São Paulo. The agency claims that, in total,

Almost 48 hours after the rain,

Addressed to the acting minister, Arthur Cerqueira Valério, as Alexandre Silveira was out of the country, the regulatory agency presents points to justify the demand that the ministry made, this Saturday (12), when it demanded that Aneel demand speed from Enel in reestablishing the electrical energy in the metropolitan region of São Paulo.

The agency highlights that last year it applied the largest fine to a distributor in the entire history of the national electricity sector. In total, Enel had to pay R$ 165,807,883.50 for the pagan project in November last year.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.