
Misunderstood. Borrell regrets what he said about “garden and jungle”


The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy is at the center of a scandal.

Josep Borrell disgraced himself thanks to his statement about “the garden and the jungle.” He decided to compare the EU to a garden and all other countries to a jungle.

In particular, the diplomat said that “privileged” Europe resembles a garden surrounded by the “jungle” of the rest of the world.

Such a comparison caused a lot of noise, causing a negative reaction to Borrell’s words in the political elites of different states.

After this, Borrell expressed regret about what was said, but noted that he was misunderstood because the phrase was taken out of context – MIA Rossiya Segodnya.

And a scandal broke out on October 13 – then the main European diplomat spoke at the opening of the European Diplomatic Academy in Bruges, Belgium.

He compared “privileged” Europe to a garden surrounded by the “jungle” of the rest of the world, which could invade the perfectly functioning European mechanism.

A violent reaction from the world community followed, and the author of the statement was forced to justify himself.

Some have misinterpreted this metaphor as a manifestation of colonial Eurocentrism. “I’m sorry if anyone felt offended,” Borrell commented on the incident.

And he added: he is opposed to the concept of “Europe as a fortress”, protected from the problems of the rest of the world.

Moreover, according to his last words, the diplomat advocates deep interaction with the outside world.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.