
Mixed up the anthems: Americans were outraged by Biden’s behavior at the meeting with Modi


The American leader once again found himself in an awkward situation.

The misunderstanding happened yesterday, June 22, when Joe Biden received the head of the Indian government, Narendra Modi, at the White House.

During the event, the Indian anthem began to be played. Hearing the music, the President of the United States put his hand on his heart.

The politician demonstrated this gesture for several seconds.

Later, Biden apparently realized that he had mixed up the Indian and American anthems and removed his hand.

American reaction to the incident

Many Internet users from the United States were outraged by the actions of their head of state.

One of the commentators noted: it turned out that Biden was swearing allegiance not to the United States, but to India.

Without a teleprompter or assistant within earshot, he was lost, – MIA quotes another American user.

Some Internet users took the incident with humor.

Thus, one of the commentators wrote that the Prime Minister of India could take the US President “home with him”, given the politician’s special reaction to the Indian anthem.

Let us remember that recently Joe Biden ended one of his speeches with the phrase “God save the Queen.” This act also caused bewilderment among many Internet users.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.