
NASA finally has an explanation for mysterious “spiders” on Mars


NASA finally has an explanation for mysterious “spiders” on Mars

© NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona

When you think of spiders on Mars, you inevitably think of David Bowie’s famous backing band from the 1970s, although the “The Spiders from Mars” but nothing to do with that “Araneiforms” phenomenon have to do on the Red Planet. The spider-like formations on the surface of Mars were only discovered in 2003.

The unusual hollows can only be found at the south pole of Mars. Like branches, they extend from a center point. It has long been a mystery as to what causes these MarsSpider structures arise.

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In theory and practice

In theory, the formation of the formations could be done using the Kieffer model be explained. However, it has not yet been possible to have such a structure in one Labor to recreate it and thus finally prove the theory in question.

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Proof provided

Now the proof has finally been provided, like NASA . For the first time it was possible to… Origin of the aranei forms on Earth, according to the US space agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). This means that the Kieffer model could now be confirmed.

Kieffer theory states that the spider patterns arise when Eis changes directly to the gaseous state, called sublimation. Therefore freezes CO2 from the atmosphere im Martian winter and is deposited on the surface.

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Gas escapes and breaks up the ice

The CO2 is then trapped between several layers of ice. When it gets warmer again in spring, the CO2 becomes solid directly into the gaseous state above. The pressure increases, the ice breaks.

This is how a species is created Valvethrough which the gas escapes – in this case the “body” of the spider. The darker shades around the formation emerge through Marsstaub respectively Marchantwhich is whirled up by the escape of the gas.

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At minus 185 degrees

Further gas flowing towards the valve creates the channels on the surface – the “Legs” of the spider. When the ice melts as temperatures continue to rise, the aranei shape remains and is visible to the cameras of the Mars probes.

In order to be able to simulate the conditions on Mars, a test chamber was set up in a laboratory at JPL. In it, the temperature was determined using liquid nitrogen on minus 185 Degrees Celsius chilled. After numerous attempts to precisely coordinate all the necessary requirements, it has now been possible to create the Mars spiders in the laboratory.

The corresponding study was published in the specialist magazine “”.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.