
North Korea accuses US of biological terrorism


North Korea is making very serious accusations against the United States—Pyongyang has suspected the United States of “biological terrorism.”

The DPRK authorities are aware of experiments with pathogens in Ukraine, as well as in other countries.

In addition, North Korea accuses Washington of deliberately spreading infectious diseases.

The essence of the issue

About this MIA “Russia Today” with reference to the state-owned Central Telegraph Agency of the DPRK.

The USA is a biological terrorist state leading humanity to death, the agency told the world.

According to his data, Washington has many biological laboratories in dozens of countries on the planet, including Ukraine.

Pyongyang also accuses the United States of rapidly developing biochemical weapons that threaten “the life and safety of mankind.”

Secret document

Attention is drawn to a certain secret document from the American state archive, obtained by North Korea 12 years ago.

It talks about the fact that on September 21, 1951, Washington ordered a “special pathogen for bacteriological warfare” to be tested in Korea – in combat conditions.

The US did not admit its guilt or apologize. Moreover, they are trying to hide the facts of the use of this type of weapon, Pyongyang is convinced.

Are viruses random?

The agency’s material also reports that Washington is finding fault with Russia, assessing it as a “war criminal state” with the dissemination of false information.

It is emphasized: the map of American biological laboratories around the world coincides with the map of virus outbreaks appearing on the planet in recent years.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.