
Opposition delivers impeachment request from Moraes to Pacheco


Opposition congressmen to the Lula government presented, this Monday (9), a request for impeachment against minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF).

The document has more than 150 signatures from deputies and was delivered to Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), but has not yet been officially filed with the Senate.

It depends on Pacheco

The progress of the request in Congress depends on the decision of Pacheco, who needs to forward it to the Senate Board of Directors for dispatch. The senator, however, has already signaled that he will hold the requests against members of the Court.

“We ask President Rodrigo Pacheco to continue the process. The feeling we had is that he will carry out an analysis using technical and legal criteria.

We hope, very calmly, that whatever the understanding of those who make up the panel (director of the Senate), they will give the plenary the prerogative to deliberate”, stated senator Marcos Rogério (PL-ES), leader of the opposition in the Senate .

Organization since August

as to CNN showed, opposition congressmen have been organizing the request since August. In recent weeks, the initiative gained strength after Moraes’ decision to block the use of X (formerly Twitter) in Brazil.

Opposition congressmen claim that the suspension of the social network in the country violates freedom of expression.

On Saturday, the September 7th holiday, protesters held and called for the minister’s removal. Former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) said he hoped the Senate would “put the brakes on” the magistrate.

Pacheco has been charged by opposition senators on the matter, but is unlikely to proceed with the request. In August, the president of the Senate defended having “a lot of prudence” about requests of this type to prevent the country from ““.

On Saturday (7), in a gesture of unity between the Powers, Pacheco, Moraes and the president of the STF, Luís Roberto Barroso, together with president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), in Brasília.

Involved in articulating the impeachment request, the deputy leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Eduardo Girão (Novo-CE), states that 1.4 million Brazilians supported the petition for Moraes’ removal.

Non-Senate requests

Currently, they are being processed in the Senate at least. Of these, 22 target Moraes. The new request that will be filed was motivated by the publication, by the newspaper “Folha de S.Paulo”, that the sector to combat disinformation of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) had been unofficially demanded by Moraes’ office during and after the 2022 elections.

In a note, the minister stated that the procedures were “official, regular and are duly documented in the inquiries and investigations underway at the STF”.

The request against Moraes must indicate ten reasons that justify the minister’s removal. These include alleged human rights violations, violation of legal process, abuse of power, malfeasance and misuse of TSE resources.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.