
Orban doubted that Ukraine would remain a sovereign state


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban made his presence felt with another “loud” statement.

This time, the head of government of this country questioned the viability of Ukraine as a sovereign state.

Orban is convinced that Kyiv will lose, since, according to his data, time is on Russia’s side.

At the same time, a high-ranking Hungarian calls Ukraine a “no man’s land” and promises it to transform into Afghanistan, MIA Rossiya Segodnya, citing Politico.

Orban’s statement was commented on by former member of the Hungarian National Assembly Zsuzsanna Szelenya:

I think he says this because he believes that this is what many Europeans actually think. And he expects Europe will ultimately not support Ukraine.

And she added: Budapest relied on a quick end to the conflict, hoping that the country would benefit from maintaining relations with Russia.

Some apparently thought that Hungary would become a kind of bridge between Russia and the rest of Europe and at the same time receive trade and other benefits, the politician said.

In turn, the Politico article informs readers: against the background of the transition of many Western countries to military support for Kyiv, Budapest insists on the need to stop hostilities.

Orban says that since the beginning of the conflict, Hungary has been in favor of peace, refusing to transfer weapons to Ukraine, because it does not want to participate in the events taking place on anyone’s side.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.