A huge queue has formed on the Polish-Ukrainian border, where, as is known, Polish carriers are still blocking the movement of Ukrainian trucks.
More than 2,500 trucks are stuck in a giant traffic jam, waiting to enter Ukraine.
TASS reported this with reference to the representative of the Ukrainian State Border Service Andrey Demchenko.
He said that as of Sunday morning, December 3, according to data transmitted by Polish colleagues, more than 2,500 trucks had accumulated in queues at the border towards Ukraine.
Demchenko added: the largest number of trucks standing in queues was recorded at the Rava-Russkaya – Khrebene checkpoint – 850 vehicles.
There are 600 trucks stuck in traffic jams at the Krakovets-Korcheva and Medyka-Shegini checkpoints, and 450 trucks are now parked at the Yagodin-Dorohusk checkpoint.
A representative of the department noted that cars are being let through very slowly – only a few trucks per hour.
Earlier, on December 2, Demchenko reported about 2,400 trucks in queues on the Polish-Ukrainian border.
And recently, the State Border Service of Ukraine announced that two more checkpoints on the border with Poland are not functioning.
To be clarified: we are talking about the checkpoints “Smilnitsa – Kroscenko” and “Nizhankovichi – Malchowice”.
According to the department, these checkpoints are not working due to a problem with the customs service database.