
Pacheco calls for government “intervention” to avoid EU blocking Brazilian products


The president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), asked, this Tuesday (17), for an “intervention” from the federal government to avoid the European Union (EU) blocking Brazilian products produced in areas associated with deforestation.

The ban on the import of these products by European bloc countries was one of the topics discussed in a meeting this afternoon between Pacheco and the president of the Federal Council of Germany, Manuela Schwesig.

Defense of differentiation

Pacheco defended that the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Mauro Vieira, and Agriculture, Carlos Fávaro, act to establish a differentiation between what is produced in areas of illegal deforestation and in places permitted by law.

“It is very important that there be, on the part of the Brazilian government, an intervention that can establish the difference between illegal deforestation, which violates Brazilian environmental legislation, and vegetation suppression, authorized by legislation and authorized by environmental agencies”, stated Pacheco.

New rules

The new European Union rules were .

The approved regulations require that a series of products imported by the bloc’s countries now have to prove that they did not generate deforestation in their production.

The changes will take effect from the end of 2024.

Deadline for regularization

The requirements apply, for example, to the import of wood, cocoa, coffee and soy. According to the rules, companies and countries that supply these products have until the end of the year to regularize themselves before they begin to be fully charged with the new required documentation.

“Obviously, that product produced from illegal deforestation must be curbed and must be rejected,” declared Pacheco. “But this generality about deforestation is something that worries us, it worries producers all over Brazil, especially small and medium-sized ones, who could have their exports harmed due to this misunderstanding.”


In addition to Pacheco, the president of the Federal Council of Germany, Manuela Schwesig, also met with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) on Monday (16).

On an official visit to the country, she has debated issues of common interest between the two countries, such as climate issues, the green economy and the regulation of artificial intelligence.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.