
PF asks STF to assess jurisdiction in suspicions of harassment against Silvio Almeida


The Federal Police (PF) sent to the Federal Supreme Court (STF), this Thursday (12), the request for an assessment of competence on suspicions of sexual harassment against the former Minister of Human Rights. The case is being processed under secrecy in the Court.

A to investigate the allegations. With this assessment by the STF, the PF tries to avoid any nullity of the investigation.

It is up to the Supreme Court to decide whether the case goes to the first instance or whether the former minister will have jurisdiction in the Court.

Investigators reported to CNN who heard one this week. They believe there is evidence to launch an investigation and investigate further suspicions of sexual harassment.

The PF opened a criminal report under verification on September 5, the night the accusations against Almeida came to light. At the time, he still held the position of minister. He was fired the next day.

Almeida denies the allegations of harassment and stated that he intends to prove his innocence during the investigations.


As shown by the CNNthere is the Court’s competence to supervise the investigation against Almeida.

State ministers have jurisdiction in the Supreme Court, but Silvio Almeida no longer holds the position since Friday (6).

In the event that any authority with jurisdiction remains in the STF, the alleged crime must have been committed during and because of the position.

There is a movement in the Court to expand this rule, in order to also involve authorities who have left office with jurisdiction.

Virtual session

The Supreme Court will debate the issue again on Friday (13) in a virtual session. There is already a majority formed to determine that the privileged forum be maintained even after the authority leaves office.

The President of the Court, Minister Luís Roberto Barroso, voted in this sense, as well as Gilmar Mendes, Cristiano Zanin, Flávio Dino, Dias Toffoli and Alexandre de Moraes. The session ends on September 20th.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.