
PF defends that investigation into Silvio Almeida is processed in the Supreme Court


The leadership of the Federal Police (PF) defends that the investigation involving former Minister of Human Rights Silvio Almeida be conducted at the Federal Supreme Court (STF).

The criminal report was forwarded this Thursday (12) so that the Court can analyze the issue and determine the competent body to carry out the investigation.

According to investigators interviewed by CNNthe alleged cases of sexual harassment would have occurred during the period in which Silvio Almeida held the position of Minister of State, allegedly using his role to commit the crimes.

An investigation into the PF was initiated through a crime report on Thursday (5), at night, as soon as the allegations against the then minister became public. He was fired the next day.

On Tuesday (10) this week, the PF heard, based on the crime news, a complainant who accused Silvio Almeida of sexual harassment. With the preliminary report prepared, the petition was forwarded to the STF, which should open an investigation into whether the report will be maintained in the Court – with a minister to be defined – or whether the case will be referred to another instance, such as the Federal Court.

Delegates state that sending the case to the STF can avoid any chance of nullity in the process, ensuring that the Supreme Court defines the jurisdiction to conduct the investigation.

The former minister no longer has privileged jurisdiction since his resignation. However, there is a movement in the STF to expand the application of this rule, so as to also cover authorities who have left office, but who held functions with forum prerogative.

With the case sent to the STF, doubts arose among the ministers themselves about which instance is competent to process the process, as disclosed by the analyst at the CNN .

Silvio Almeida denies the accusations of harassment and declared that he intends to prove his innocence during the course of the investigations. His defense informed the reporter that he will have a “coordinated” and “multitasking” team of lawyers to conduct the case.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.