
PL should only decide who to support in the Chamber after further conversations with Bolsonaro and Valdemar


The PL bench in the Chamber should only decide who it will support to succeed Arthur Lira (PP-AL) as president of the House after further conversations between him and the former president of the Republic Jair Bolsonaro, affiliated with the party, and the national president of the party, Valdemar da Costa Neto.

Lira has not yet announced who she will support in the Chamber’s succession.


This Wednesday (11), Lira had lunch with Hugo Motta (Republicanos-PB), one of the favorites to succeed him, and several other leaders, including PL leader Altineu Côrtes (RJ).

The meeting served as a celebration of Motta’s 35th birthday, which ended this Wednesday.

No official statement

The leader of the PT, Odair Cunha (MG), stated, on social media, that Lira had informed her support for Motta “as a qualified name for the construction of the Casa unity”.

There was, however, no official statement from Lira.


Only after Lira’s announcement and new conversations with PL chiefs will the bench of federal deputies from the main opposition party make a decision. The idea is that the future name will be supported first by Bolsonaro and Costa Neto.

Even because there are still deputies within the PL who would like to be considered for the dispute. Formally, an own candidacy is not ruled out, although it is a remote scenario.

The announcement of the name to be supported by the bench should be delayed until after the first round of municipal elections, in the opinion of a deputy familiar with the matter.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.