
Planalto will propose a “situation room” to governors to combat fires | Blogs


In the face of criticism from governors in the fight against fires, the federal government will propose the creation of a situation room made up of ministers, governors and mayors.

The assessment in Planalto is that the problem has been addressed at retail, with individual actions by the states. And the federal government’s most effective input into the problem requires integration.

The situation in the Federal District – in which a clash of information was evident – ​​is pointed out, in Planalto, as an example of what cannot happen.

Currently, there is a federal government situation room with the presence of several ministries, such as Environment and Regional Development. The plan is to expand this group to systematize actions in all states.

claiming that it will be on another agenda. Instead, he appointed ministers Rui Costa, from the Civil House, Marina Silva, from the Environment, Waldez Góes, from Regional Development, and Alexandre Padilha, from Institutional Relations.

Marina will highlight the federal government’s cooperation with Mato Grosso do Sul as an example that can be replicated in the country. Faced with serious fires in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso since the beginning of the year, the government decided to make investments and help with more structure.

From April until now, around R$150 million has been invested by the federal government, according to the state. Furthermore, there was the mobilization of more Armed Forces personnel and agencies such as Ibama. More than a thousand men, in addition to local firefighters, went to the field, and 12 aircraft were mobilized.

HAS CNNGovernor Eduardo Riedel said that “the work worked like never before”, which “reduced the affected area”.

Padilha should highlight the importance of the federative climate pact, which has the role of uniting the three spheres of executive power in combating the climate crisis. Góes will reinforce the availability and work of Civil Defense.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.