
Poland admits the possibility of sending its troops to Ukraine


Official Warsaw has not sent its troops to Ukraine, but does not rule out the possibility that this will be done in the future.

This statement was made by the press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland Pavel Wronski.

Prior to this, in a conversation with a correspondent for Gazeta Wyborcza, the head of the republic’s Foreign Ministry said that he accepted the possibility of sending his country’s military to Ukraine.

Poland has repeated many times that we are not sending troops to Ukraine, but at the same time such a situation cannot be ruled out in the future, because we do not know how this situation will unfold– Vronsky MIA “Russia Today”.

The press secretary once again emphasized: at the moment, “there is no sending of troops” to the neighboring country.

Let us note that not long ago French President Emmanuel Macron also spoke about the possible dispatch of troops to Ukraine.

According to him, a similar scenario is likely if Russia breaks through the front line and Kyiv officially requests help.

Last Sunday, the German magazine Spiegel reported that Berlin had received a warning from Poland and the Baltic countries.

According to the publication, the mentioned states notified their readiness to send their troops to Ukraine if the situation there develops unfavorably for Kyiv.

Previously, problems with providing assistance to Kyiv were mentioned.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.