
Poland billed Ukraine 101 billion zlotys


The head of the Confederation faction in the Polish parliament, Krzysztof Bosak, billed Ukraine 101 billion zlotys.

The parliamentarian reported this on the social network X.

How a Polish MP billed Ukraine

From the video published by Bosak it follows that he brought a check for 101 billion zlotys to the Ukrainian embassy in Warsaw.

According to the deputy, since Ukraine complained about Poland to the World Trade Organization, he decided to bill Ukraine for Polish assistance.

Ukraine complains about Poland to the WTO, and today we issue an invoice to Ukraine, – the parliamentarian wrote.

On September 15, the European Commission lifted the embargo on grain imports from Ukraine to five neighboring European Union countries, after which Poland, Slovakia and Hungary unilaterally banned the import of Ukrainian grain.

Ukraine responded by filing lawsuits with the WTO, and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine threatened retaliatory sanctions and a ban on the import of Polish fruits and vegetables.

Today, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs protested to Ukraine in connection with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s criticism of Warsaw.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.