
Poland will invest $375 million to strengthen the fence on the border with Belarus


Poland intends to invest about $375 million in a project to strengthen the fence on the border with Belarus.

The deputy head of the Polish Ministry of National Defense, Cezary Tomczyk, informed the general public about this.

According to him, “the reinforcement was developed” by the Silesian University of Technology together with engineers from the country’s defense department.

The project aims to provide the barrier with such reinforcement that it will be “impenetrable.”

The modernization of the fence itself will most likely cost about 1.5 billion zlotys (about $375 million – Ed.), – Deputy Minister of MIA Rossiya Segodnya.

He emphasized that currently the fence is not very effective in keeping out illegal immigrants.

Today it looks like migrants using only a jack are able to overcome this barrier, complained a senior official.

He also acknowledged the fact that his fellow border guards are pushing refugees caught in that area on Polish territory back to Belarus.

He referred to the legislation of his country, according to which the 15-meter wide border strip is monitored by border guards, whose task is to prevent illegal border crossings.

If someone crosses the border, the law applies. If someone is seeking asylum, they can receive asylum. But if someone is caught at the border, if it is an illegal border crossing, then that someone is turned away,” Mr. Tomczyk said.

Earlier, Donald Tusk reported that Poland had begun fortifications on the eastern border.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.