
Release of hostages. Israel negotiates with Hamas


Recently it became known that negotiations between Israel and Hamas are approaching a deal.

The dialogue is being conducted on the issue of the release of hostages captured by the Palestinian radical movement.

In particular, we are talking about the release of the majority of Israeli women and children from captivity.

A deal

Journalist David Ignates shared this information with readers of The Washington Post, citing his own sources in the Israeli government.

They told him the following: if the final details were successfully agreed upon, the agreements reached could be officially announced in a few days.

The general outline of the deal is clear, TASS quoted the journalist as saying from his interlocutor.

It is noted that preliminary agreements imply that Israeli women and children will be released in groups.

But this must happen with the simultaneous release of Palestinian youth and women from Israeli prisons.

Requirements of the parties

Tel Aviv insists on the release of all 100 women and children captured on October 7 in Israel.

The author of the article assumes that Hamas will agree to release no more than 70 people.

He also reports that there are at least 120 Palestinian women and young people in Israeli prisons, and it is not yet clear how many of them will be released.

The observer’s source says there will be a temporary ceasefire during the hostage exchange, probably for five days.

Thanks to these agreements, the journalist writes, it will be possible to increase the volume of humanitarian assistance for civilians in the Gaza Strip.

How many hostages does Hamas have?

In turn, US officials expressed hope that agreements regarding the release of prisoners will help reduce the degree of tension in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, notes Ignaises.

Tel Aviv estimates that between 240 and 250 people are being held captive by Hamas.

Most of them are Israelis and citizens with dual citizenship (USA, Germany and some other countries).

About 35 hostages are foreigners who are not Israeli citizens. Among them, the majority are Thai citizens who worked in Israel.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.