
Return of X: Platform pays a fine of R$18.3 million and calls for an end to the suspension in Brazil


Social network X paid R$18.3 million in fines for non-compliance with Brazilian court decisions. According to the platform, the payment was made by transferring the amounts previously blocked in the social network and Starlink accounts to the Union.

In addition to the R$ 18.3 million, the minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Alexandre de Moraes, determined on August 18 the application of a daily fine of R$ 5 million to Starlink and X for non-compliance with the suspension order of the network in the country.

The daily fine was imposed after , despite the lockdown. OX reported that social media was restored in an “inadvertent and temporary” manner during a change in the company’s network provider.

On Saturday (21), Moraes requested that the Court’s Judicial Secretariat calculate . The total amount owed by X was not disclosed.


On September 11, the STF minister ordered the blocking of R$18.3 million from the bank accounts of X (formerly Twitter) and Starlink Brasil to guarantee the payment of the fines imposed by the STF on the social network.

The following day, the Supreme Court was informed by Banco Citibank SA and Itaú Unibanco SA that they had completed the transfers to the Union’s account at Banco do Brasil.

At the time, the following were blocked:

  • R$ 7,282,135.14 from X Brasil accounts:
  • R$ 11,067,864.86 from Starlink Brazil Serviços de Internet Ltda.

X and Starlink’s bank accounts and financial assets were released.

OX was fined for not removing content from the platform following an order from the STF in ongoing investigations, in addition to having removed the company’s legal representatives in Brazil.

The social network was determined by Minister Alexandre de Moraes. The decision was confirmed unanimously by the first panel of the Court.

The social network and Starlink are owned by businessman Elon Musk. In the decision, Moraes understood that there was a so-called joint responsibility between the companies for paying the penalties.

Despite paying the fines, the platform remains suspended.

X complies with decisions

The social network reported this Thursday (26) that it complied with the STF’s order to block user profiles that disseminated criminal messages and attacks on democracy. Nine profiles have already been blocked, according to the platform.

OX also appointed Rachel de Oliveira Villa Nova Conceição as its legal representative in Brazil. The platform sent this Thursday (26) the documentation requested by Moraes and requested its reinstatement in Brazil. The return depends on a favorable decision from the minister.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.