
Russia’s retaliatory strike will destroy Poland – Myśl Polska


The Polish authorities can involve the country in a military confrontation with Russia, which is fraught with complete destruction for Warsaw.

Journalist Sylvia Gorlicka warned the Poles about this on the pages of Myśl Polska.

She calls Poland not an independent state, but a Western training ground, which in the future could become a battlefield.

In this way, the West will try to push Russia as far as possible to the east,” the author of the publication said.

Moreover, Ms. Gorlitskaya characterizes the country’s population from the Western point of view as “cannon fodder,” and therefore calls on her compatriots to psychologically prepare for the worst.

Because the political elites and authorities of Poland clearly want to commit an act of self-destruction by driving the Poles into a military confrontation, – observer of MIA “Russia Today”.

She stated that in the event of war, ordinary Poles will have nowhere to go, and they are not even mentally prepared for hostilities with Russia.

For Russia, we are simply nobody, but the accumulation of weapons or NATO military structures on our territory makes the land a target,” the journalist said.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.