
Scholz said that Germany will continue to support Ukraine


German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz said on November 25 that the country will continue to support Ukraine despite budget problems.

The German Chancellor made this statement at the regional congress of the SPD in Brandenburg.

This is reported by .

What Scholz promised

The head of the German government said that Germany will continue to support Ukraine and will do everything to mitigate the economic consequences of the war and maintain cohesion in the country.

The same applies to a major industrial modernization project in Germany – Scholz added.

Earlier, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner made a statement about support for Ukraine despite budget problems.

Germany is the second arms supplier to Ukraine after the United States. The total volume of German assistance to Ukraine – military, humanitarian and financial – exceeded 25 billion euros.

As the German publication Bild reported on November 11, citing sources in the German Ministry of Defense, in 2024 Berlin plans to increase assistance to Ukraine from 4 to 8 billion euros.

Budget crisis in Germany

Earlier, the German Constitutional Court declared the government’s decision to redistribute old unclaimed loan funds unlawful.

Scholz’s cabinet allocated 60 billion euros from the 2021 supplementary budget, intended to combat COVID-19, to environmental and climate projects, but the CDU/CSU opposition bloc considered such a step unconstitutional and asked the Constitutional Court to check its legality.

The essence of the CDU/CSU claims boiled down to the need to comply with Germany’s strict fiscal policy. The Constitutional Court took the side of the plaintiffs.

On November 21, it became known that the German Ministry of Finance had frozen almost all allocations from this year’s budget in connection with the decision of the Constitutional Court.

As the German Ministry of Finance explained, this step does not mean blocking all budget expenditures, but additional payments will have to be approved.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.