
Scientists call global climate catastrophe inevitable


Scientists believe that the goals and objectives of the Paris Agreement to prevent air temperatures from rising by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius have completely failed.

A corresponding statement was made in Glasgow on the eve of the opening of the UN climate change conference. The summit will take place in a week.

Scientists believe that even if the goal of the agreement is achieved, humanity will not be able to feel positive changes in this century, MIA reports.

The expert opinion is based on the results of 14 thousand studies.

The largest and most authoritative source of climate information is the IPCC report, which contains information about the state of the planet and its future.

Scientists are sounding the alarm, declaring that the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has reached its highest level in 125 thousand years.

It is believed that even if “full decarbonization is achieved right now,” temperatures will continue to rise due to inertia until 2050.

The consequences of this phenomenon will remind themselves to more than one generation of earthlings.

In order to stop the temperature rise by the planned 1.5 degrees, greenhouse gas emissions will have to be reduced by almost half.

Otherwise, by the end of this century the Earth will warm up by 2.7 degrees, climatologists say.

As a result, the planet will be covered by heat, droughts, fires and floods, storms and hurricanes, even in areas where such phenomena were very rare.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.