
Scientists talk about the weather on Earth during periods of severe climate change


Residents of European countries will remember this year for heavy rains and large-scale floods.

By experimenting with CO2 levels and the brightness of the Sun, scientists found that similar weather conditions arose in more ancient times, when the Earth experienced periods of severe climate change.

Using the developed climate model, Harvard University scientists were able to reproduce some processes on our planet.

As we found out, in ancient times, due to strong warming on Earth, quite powerful torrential rains arose.

The developed model was tested in a situation with an increased amount of CO2 in the planet’s atmosphere.

In this situation, the gas concentration exceeded the current level by 64 times.

In addition, by “increasing” the brightness of the Sun by 10%, experts were able to increase the temperature of the planet by 50 degrees Celsius.

It turned out that it was precisely under such conditions that the formation of powerful torrential rains occurred.

In such conditions, intense evaporation of moisture occurred, but due to the formation of the planet’s inhibitory layer, the evaporation did not rise above the level of rain clouds.

As a result, the precipitation did not have time to reach the ground and began to evaporate, which caused the accumulation of water in the air and a subsequent decrease in temperature.

This continued until clouds began to form, despite the inhibitory layer, after which all the accumulated moisture fell to the ground in the form of precipitation.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.