
She was last seen 20 years ago. Rare bird discovered and photographed


Ornithologists have discovered the rarest bird on planet Earth – the last time a human eye recorded it was two decades ago.

The “lost” was found in the forests of Africa. We are talking about a bird considered “lost” called the yellow-crested helmet (Prionops albert).

About this on ONT TV channel with reference to the publication

The latter notes that the authorship of the find belongs to ornithologists from the University of Texas at El Paso.

According to the publication, experts found this representative of the fauna in the mountain forests of Itombwe, in the east of the African country of Congo.

Scientists say they only know of 18 individuals of the yellow-crested helmsman so far.

The discovery of Texas experts, they say, suggests that this bird population has not disappeared anywhere.

And these birds were not seen for so long because they skillfully and deftly hid from human eyes in the African mountains.

Russians previously permanently residing in Sri Lanka will return to their homeland.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.