
Slovak Foreign Minister swears at Hungarian Prime Minister Orban


Acting Foreign Minister of Slovakia Rastislav Kacher expressed what he thinks about Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

At the same time, he used obscene language with elements of Russian obscenities.

The diplomat was infuriated by the “anti-Ukrainian position”, which, in his opinion, is taken by the leader of the neighboring country.

RBC reported this with reference to Western media, noting that the acting The head of the Slovak Foreign Ministry called Western assistance to Kyiv correct, since “the Russians invaded” Ukraine.

Kacher said that the European Union is united on the issue of assistance to Kyiv, only Hungary prefers to stay on the sidelines.

He called Orban’s position that “this is not our war” morally unacceptable.

Kacher recalled how recently “their Carpathian prophet ranted that this is not our war,” calling it “a military conflict between two Slavic states.”

He also recalled the statement that “they should have been left alone, isolated.”

That is, let the Russians quickly kill the Ukrainians. Let them not worry. How disgusting. What a pity,” the Slovak diplomat threw out a flurry of emotions, seasoning them with obscene curses in Russian.

The head of the Hungarian Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, Zsolt Németh, responded to his “message” and recommended that the minister see a psychiatrist.

I know Mr. Kacher well, because he was the ambassador in Budapest, and I met with him several times. I must say that I am very concerned about his mental health. And I would advise him to urgently visit a psychiatrist,” the parliamentarian said.

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Vadim M
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