
Some Afghan special forces are fighting in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces – Kabulov


It recently became clear that some former Afghan special forces soldiers joined the Ukrainian army and are fighting in its ranks.

In particular, the special representative of the Russian President for Afghanistan, director of the 2nd Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zamir Kabulov, has such information.

The diplomat shared these with a Rossiya Segodnya correspondent.

By the way, earlier the same publication, citing its own source, reported that the United States plans to send former soldiers of the Afghan national army to Ukraine.

Kabulov also remembered that a “representative of Kyrgyzstan” spoke about them recently during a conference in Tashkent.

He said that military special forces who fled in large numbers from Afghanistan and served for the “former regime” are now “sitting and waiting.”

The Americans and everyone else are not taking them, although they promised – about 110,000 Afghans are hanging around between their homeland and waiting for permission to enter the United States, Mr. Kabulov quotes the words of the named person.

He suggested that Washington does not want to let them in, which indicates the “absolutely boorish manner of the Americans.”

According to a Foreign Ministry official, some of these special forces joined the ranks of ISIS and are now fighting in Iraq and Syria.

The other part joined the Ukrainian army for the promised money. But this has nothing to do with the Taliban currently ruling in Afghanistan,” Kabulov clarified.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.