
STF reduces sentence of former deputy Aníbal Gomes, convicted of money laundering


The sentence imposed on former deputy Aníbal Gomes was reduced by the Second Panel of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) this Tuesday (17).

Aníbal had been involved in money laundering in an Operation Lava Jato case. The sentence imposed at the time was 13 years, one month and ten days of closed prison.

Now, the sentence is five years and ten months of semi-open prison.

Prescription of crime

The Panel also changed the classification of another crime for which the former congressman was convicted, which went from the crime of passive corruption to that of influence peddling.

The punishment for this crime, however, has expired (when the State can no longer punish someone after a certain period of time).

The measure also favors engineer Luiz Carlos Batista Sá, convicted in the same action. His sentence is now 5 years’ imprisonment under an initial semi-open regime.

The two were convicted of being part of a scheme, in 2008, which involved receiving benefits through the intermediation of Petrobras contracts with companies.

A CNN tries to contact the defenses of Gomes and Batista Sá to comment on the decision.


The decision was given in the trial of appeals filed by the former deputy’s defense.

The result of the analysis was two to two.

The case’s rapporteur, Minister Edson Fachin, had voted to reject the appeals. He ended up defeated along with Nunes Marques, who followed his vote.

The proposal from Minister Gilmar Mendes, who was accompanied by Ricardo Lewandowski (retired and now Minister of Justice), won.

With the draw, the ministers applied the understanding of the law approved in February this year. According to the rule, in the event of a tie in criminal trials in the STF and the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), the decisions most favorable to the defendant must be adopted.

The analysis of the resources was carried out in 2021 and, at the time, the Second Panel had four members.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.