
Tax, state debt and BC hearing: find out what remains after the Congressional elections


With the end of concentrated efforts with in-person activities in the Senate and Chamber, congressmen must resume, that is, at the end of October. Structuring and more controversial proposals will be analyzed after the election.

This is the case of the regulation of tax reform and the project on the settlement of states’ debts with the Union. The appointment of economist Gabriel Galípolo to command the Central Bank, scheduled for October 8th in the Senate, is also awaiting analysis.

Among the topics with the greatest divergence between the government and the opposition are the proposals that target the powers of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and the amnesty project for those involved in the undemocratic acts of January 8th. The matters await analysis by the Chamber’s Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ).

In addition, Congress will also need to dedicate itself to analyzing the budget pieces sent by the federal government: the Budget Guidelines Law (LDO) and the 2025 Budget. Voting on the texts, however, depends on a resolution of the impasse over parliamentary amendments . The matter is discussed between representatives of the Three Powers.

Pending issues in the Chamber

The project, approved in August by the Senate, establishes the State Debt Payment Program (Propag) for the renegotiation of more than R$740 billion in debts owed by federal units to the Union.

The text was urgently approved in the Chamber last week and, therefore, will be analyzed directly by the plenary, without going through thematic committees. However, the rapporteur has not yet been defined.

At the beginning of August, the Chamber approved the basic text of the second tax reform regulation project. However, deputies have not yet analyzed the highlights (suggestions for changes) on the matter. Voting will be held after the elections.

The proposal, whose rapporteur was deputy Mauro Benevides Filho (PDT-CE), deals with the rules on the Management Committee that will manage the IBS, the Tax on Goods and Services, which is under state and municipal jurisdiction. The tax was created by the reform to replace the current ISS and ICMS.

  • Amnesty PL and projects that target the STF:

The Chamber’s CCJ will resume, after the elections, the analysis of the bill that proposes amnesty for those arrested for the undemocratic acts of January 8th. The text was blocked in the commission after government activists mobilized to obstruct the agenda.

The collegiate will also look into texts that target STF ministers, such as the PEC that limits monocratic decisions and the project that allows Congress to overturn Supreme Court decisions.

  • Revocation of Chiquinho Brazão:

After the elections, the Chamber plenary must analyze the request for impeachment of deputy Chiquinho Brazão (no party-RJ), accused of ordering the murder of councilor Marielle Franco, in 2028, in Rio de Janeiro.

The opinion for the deputy’s impeachment was approved by the Ethics Council. To be approved in the plenary, the report must receive at least 257 votes in favor.

Pending issues in the Senate

  • Tax Reform Regulation:

Approved by the Chamber in the first half of the year, the main regulatory project for tax reform is being processed by the Senate’s CCJ. The text will be reported by senator Eduardo Braga (MDB-AM). The project regulates the application of the Tax on Goods and Services (IBS), which is the responsibility of states and municipalities, and the Contribution on Goods and Services (CBS), which is federal.

The Senate’s Economic Affairs Committee (CAE) will analyze after the elections the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) that transforms the Bank into a public company with a special nature, in addition to guaranteeing the BC technical, operational, administrative, budgetary and financial autonomy .

The project is reported by senator Plínio Valério (PSDB-AM), who was unable to reach an agreement on the proposal with the government, which postponed the analysis of the proposal until after the elections.

  • Sabatina by Gabriel Galípolo:

The CAE scheduled the hearing for Gabriel Galípolo, nominated by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) for the presidency of the Central Bank, for October 8th. On the same day, Galípolo’s name will be analyzed by the plenary of the Federal Senate.

Congress’s Mixed Budget Committee (CMO) needs to analyze the Budget Guidelines Bill (PLDO) by the end of the year. The piece establishes goals and priorities of the federal government for the creation of the Annual Budget Law (LOA).

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.