
Tea and coffee prices have risen sharply in the world: the reason has been revealed


World prices for coffee and tea have risen sharply.

The cost of these two products has reached its highest levels in the last few years, online sources report.

According to the results of the auction, which ended on May 27, the price per pound of coffee was $1,572 (about 4 Belarusian rubles).

In this regard, Brazilian manufacturers intend to increase the cost of supplies.

Some have already done this. Thus, many farmers from Brazil previously sold coffee for 207 dollars (524 Belarusian rubles), now the rate is 800 dollars (more than 2 thousand Belarusian rubles).

It is noted that Indian tea varieties have also become more expensive.

Why have food prices become more expensive?

The main reason for the rise in coffee prices is a sharp reduction in supplies from South America.

In addition, there are problems with transporting goods on this mainland.

As for tea, it has risen in price due to severe drought in the traditional “tea” regions of India.

The worsening epidemiological situation in this country also had an impact. Thus, many Indian plantations are closed due to the spread of COVID-19.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.