
The cause of the incident with the American submarine USS Connecticut in the South China Sea has been named


The investigation into the incident that happened to the American submarine USS Connecticut in the South China Sea has been completed.

The results were announced by Seventh Fleet spokesman Haley Sims. It turned out that the submarine collided with an unknown underwater mountain.

Now the command of the Seventh Fleet must determine the procedure for bringing to justice those responsible for what happened.

It has been established that the military vessel USS Connecticut collided with a previously unknown seamount during an operation in the international waters of the Indo-Pacific region, MIA quotes the official as saying.

Let us remind you that the American submarine was damaged during maneuvers on October 2.

Then a collision with an unknown object was announced, which puzzled not only the SHA military but also representatives of the PRC.

As a result of the collision, 11 submariners were injured. The nuclear installation was not damaged.

The bow of the submarine suffered serious damage. She proceeded to the repair site in a surface position.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.