
The country is bursting at the seams. Ukraine split East and West Germany


The crisis in Ukraine deepened the rift between East and West Germany. The country is bursting at the seams.

This was noticed by the newspaper Der Tagesspiegel, having studied information from the research company Forsa.

The German publication reports a serious gap in opinion between residents of the east and west of the state, MIA Rossiya Segodnya.

The newspaper draws attention to the fact that such a split has practically never existed before on any political, social or economic issue.

The conclusions, according to the material, are based on the results of surveys over the past few months – residents of the eastern and western regions of Germany demonstrate different positions on the topic of Ukrainian events.

For example, East Germans (a majority of respondents – 34%) believe that Berlin is doing too much to support Kyiv.

In the west of the country, only 18% of residents have this opinion, according to Forsa data.

The greatest differences were identified on the issue of arms supplies to Ukraine.

If among the “Westerners” arms exports were supported by 54% to 61% of respondents since May, then in the East only 32%.

The newspaper calculated that the difference between Germans who consider support for Kyiv excessive in the east and west is on average 16%.

And the difference in opinions regarding arms supplies is 26%.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.