
The EU is planning to undermine the Hungarian economy because of its refusal to help Ukraine


Recently it became known about the European Union’s plan to undermine the Hungarian economy due to the fact that Budapest does not want to provide assistance to Ukraine.

The corresponding demolition plan is already being developed.

They want to implement it if Hungary finally refuses to agree on a new package of financial support for Kyiv.

The collapse of the forint and the cessation of financing

TASS reported this with reference to The Financial Times newspaper, which has read an internal Brussels document.

It is reported that the EU intends to collapse the exchange rate of the Hungarian forint and reduce the investment attractiveness of Hungary.

In this way, the European Union thinks “to harm jobs and economic growth” of this country.

In addition, the plan provides, in the event of Viktor Orban’s refusal to make concessions, a public statement about a complete cessation of funding for Budapest.

The latter, according to EU politicians, could “scare the markets.”

Budapest’s reaction

Hungarian Minister for EU Affairs Janos Boka said that he does not yet know anything about such threats.

But, as the portal “HERE NEWS”, he noted that his country will not succumb to blackmail.

Hungary does not make a connection between support for Ukraine and access to EU funds and opposes other countries making such a connection, the official said.

And he added: Budapest intends to continue to “constructively participate in the negotiations.”

Hungarian proposal

According to him, on January 27, Hungary sent a new compromise proposal to Brussels.

It states that Budapest agrees to the use of funds from the EU budget to support Kyiv, as well as to the issue of EU debt for the same purpose.

In return, Hungary asks Brussels to meet it halfway and add a clause on the possibility of changing its decision in the future.

Earlier, the head of the Hungarian far-right Our Motherland party, Laszlo Torockai, announced that Budapest would take over Ukrainian Transcarpathia.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.