
The European Commission responded to Hersh’s investigation into sabotage at Nord Stream


The European Commission assessed the investigation of American journalist Seymour Hersh and responded to it.

We are talking about an article in which the author claims that Biden and his team are behind the explosion of the Nord Stream 2 underwater gas pipelines.

According to Hersh, the Norwegian authorities supported Washington’s operation, and all this was covered up by the NATO Baltops exercises.

The EC called such insinuations, voiced publicly, “speculation”, refusing more detailed comments.

In particular, this is exactly what the representative of the press service of the European Commission, Andrea Masini, told the TASS agency.

“We do not comment on speculation regarding the perpetrators of the act of sabotage against the Nord Stream gas pipelines,” she said.

And she added: the only basis for answering this question is an official investigation.

And holding such events lies in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the EU member countries, whose interests were affected,” explained Ms. Masini.

And these investigations are still ongoing. So far, they have only established that the pipelines were destroyed as a result of a deliberate act of sabotage,” she concluded.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.