
The European Union is secretly working on Ukraine’s accession to the EU – Politico


It turned out that the leaders of the European Union countries are secretly working on the issue of Ukraine joining the EU.

However, they do not intend to raise the topic publicly at the upcoming summit (March 21-22).

This is justified by caution due to the ongoing mass protests of European farmers against the uncontrolled import of Ukrainian agricultural products into the EU.

TASS reported this with reference to the Politico newspaper, which learned that at the summit the leaders of the EU countries “will hardly touch upon the internal homework” of expanding the community.

It is noted that at the meeting it is intended only to bring under a common denominator the measures that they want to take in the future for Kyiv to join their ranks.

But one of the European officials, with whom a Politico correspondent spoke on condition of anonymity, said that work on this issue is still underway in Brussels, they just “prefer to keep it secret.”

According to him, we are talking about the accession not only of Ukraine, but also of Moldova, as well as some Balkan countries.

When discussing the topic, policymakers take into account potential “spillover effects” for European farmers.

He added that before the European Parliament elections (scheduled for June), “nobody wants to talk” about expansion.

Talk about cutting subsidies for European farmers is not something you would want to include in an election program, the official said.

Earlier, Stoltenberg spoke about Georgia for NATO.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.