
The gates of the White House in the United States were rammed by an SUV


A serious incident occurred in the capital of the United States of America: there an SUV rammed the gates of the White House.

The head of the Secret Service’s communications division, Anthony Giullielmi, spoke about the incident that shocked many Washingtonians on one of the social networks.

Referring to his statement, the Russian news agency MIA Rossiya Segodnya said that the driver of the car that crashed into the fence was detained.

Mr. Giullielmi notes that the incident took place on January 8 shortly before six o’clock in the evening (shortly before two o’clock in the morning on January 9, Belarusian time).

The vehicle crashed into the outer gate of the White House complex. The driver was taken into custody, he said.

And he added: an investigation into the incident is currently underway.

The causes and circumstances of the incident are established, and the “nature of the collision” is clarified.

Anthony Giulielmi also drew the attention of capital residents to possible complications with traffic in the area of ​​the incident.

Earlier, the Pentagon reported on US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.