
The Germans say that Zelensky doubted the success of Ukraine


The authoritative German newspaper Die Welt learned about Vladimir Zelensky’s doubts about Kyiv’s success in the confrontation with Moscow.

Although, the author of the publication writes, the Ukrainian leader still insists on the opposite, arguing that the Ukrainian Armed Forces will ultimately win.

The journalist asks the question: to what extent can expectations of success from the Ukrainian army be realistic?

According to him, even representatives of the military leadership of Ukraine doubt the victory of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

He further writes that rumors are spreading about Ukrainian troops caught in a stalemate.

And it notifies readers that the West is increasingly questioning Kyiv’s ability to return the territories occupied by Russia.

Doubts about this were also sown by Zelensky himself, who, while in the United States in September, dealt with a completely different Washington than the year before – TASS article.

It is noted: indeed, Biden stands firmly on Zelensky’s side, but the American president’s hands are tied, since the extension of financial assistance to Ukraine was blocked in Congress.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.