
The head of NATO said that the Alliance never delivered the promised assistance to Kyiv.


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg appealed to the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance to be honest.

This is necessary to recognize the fact that they, these countries, never delivered the promised assistance to Ukraine.

The head of the military-political bloc made this statement at an event of the non-profit organization “Atlantic Bridge” in Germany.

Let’s be honest. The reality is that in recent months, NATO allies have not provided Ukraine with the assistance they promised. – Stoltenberg TASS agency.

He recalled that the United States could not agree on a new aid package for Kyiv for many months, and Europe was unable to deliver the promised volume of ammunition.

For months, the US could not agree on a new aid package, and in Europe, supplies of ammunition were far below the level we had promised. These delays have consequences, the secretary general said.

He added: Ukraine can win the conflict with Russia if it increases the supply of military assistance to Kyiv, carrying them out without delays, as quickly as possible.

Biden, who previously signed the law on new aid to Ukraine, will deliver weapons as quickly as possible.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.