
The head of the British Foreign Office will compete for the post of prime minister


It became known about the desire of British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss to take part in the fight for the post of leader of the ruling Conservatives and head of government.

The head of the diplomatic department nominates his candidacy. She stated this herself.

Ms Truss commented on her desire to become a national leader in an article published in The Daily Telegraph.

In particular, she states that London faces the most serious internal threats against the backdrop of the global economic crisis.

We are also faced with the most serious challenges abroad, coming from aggressive Russia and an increasingly decisive China, – minister TASS agency.

Noting that there is less than two years left to prepare for the next election, Truss admits the battle will be difficult.

And victory in it can only be achieved if the promises made to the people of Great Britain are fulfilled.

“I am putting forward my candidacy because I can lead people, keep promises and make difficult decisions,” said the head of the Foreign Ministry.

And she made it more specific: if she becomes prime minister, she will reduce taxes from the very first days – both for business and for the population.

Second point: promises to make sure that Foggy Albion can take advantage of all the benefits of Brexit.

Truss assures that she intends to reduce the number of government employees and abandon unnecessary government interference in the private lives of citizens.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.