
The head of the Russian delegation in Vienna called negotiations on Ukraine impossible


The head of the Russian delegation on security and arms control at the negotiations in Vienna spoke about the Ukrainian issue.

He stated that at the moment negotiations on a peaceful resolution of the situation in Ukraine are impossible.

“At the moment, negotiations are impossible. If the United States wanted it, Ukraine would sign a peace treaty.”– RIA Novosti, words of Gavrilov.

The diplomat added that if the Ukrainians themselves wanted to do something, they would have sent the appropriate signal.

Earlier, Dmitry Peskov already stated that there are currently no prerequisites for the Russian Federation to hold peace negotiations with Kiev.

The Russian Armed Forces continue to conduct a special military operation on the territory of Ukraine, which leads to a clash with enemy units.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces, in turn, initiated a counter-offensive in the hope of reaching the sea and creating a threat to Crimea. So far, the offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has not brought tangible results.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.