
The history of the Earth in 40 seconds: the video is spectacular


That’s Earth’s last 4.5 billion years packed into just 40 seconds. Watch the video!

The history of the Earth begins about 4.5 billion years agowhen a large cloud of gas and dust in space condensed, forming our planet. In the beginning, the Earth was a glowing ball of rock, with very high temperatures. Over time, the surface began to cool, forming a solid crust, as gases and vapors liberated the primitive atmosphere. A determining event in the history of our planet is the impact with a celestial body the size of Mars. This event also helped stabilize the tilt of the Earth’s axis, influencing climate and seasons.

The video

About 3.5 billion years ago, the first life forms appeared: bacteria and single-celled organisms that lived in the oceans. Evolution continued slowly, with the appearance of plants and the first marine animals. Life on Earth took a major turning point about 600 million years ago, with the Cambrian explosion, a period in which an extraordinary variety of life forms developed, many of which are ancestors of modern species.

First plants, then animals, finally man

About 400 million years ago, plants colonized land, followed by animals. Earth saw the rise and demise of the dinosaurs, who dominated for over 160 million years, until about 65 million years ago, when an asteroid struck the planet and . With the disappearance of the dinosaurs, mammals became the rulers of the Earth, and among them, about 200,000 years ago, man emerged. Since that moment, man has transformed the planet through agriculture, cities and technology, marking the current era: the Anthropocene.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.