
The king was urgently evacuated due to the eruption of an underwater volcano: a tsunami hit the country


The King of the Polynesian island state of Tonga, Aho-Eitu Tupou VI, was urgently evacuated from the palace.

The fact is that huge tsunami waves hit this country. In particular, the capital of the state, Nuku’alofa, went under water.

And this happened after the eruption of an underwater volcano, inform Internet sources with reference to RNZ radio (New Zealand).

Earlier, the local portal Matangi Tonga reported about the eruption of the Hunga-Haapai volcano.

Tongan authorities immediately announced a tsunami threat. Indeed, it hit the main city of the state.

In addition, a similar threat was declared in American Samoa – over a hundred families were evacuated there, mainly residents of villages in the southern part of the island of Savaii.

As for the King of Tonga, he was taken from the palace to the villa by a column of police and military personnel.

Authorities advised local residents to stay as far away as possible, preferably to higher ground.

As a result of the tsunami attack, the royal palace, the embankment and the main street of the capital of this country were flooded.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.