
The leader of the presidential elections in Azerbaijan has been named


Presidential elections are taking place in Azerbaijan. Currently, the undisputed leader is the current head of state Ilham Aliyev.

According to the local Central Election Commission, Aliyev, after processing 93% of the ballots, received 92.05% of the votes.

Currently, the CEC has completed the counting of votes after processing 93.35% of polling stations. Ilham Aliyev scores 92.05%– Head of the Central Election Commission Mazakhir Panakhov MIA “Russia Today”.

It is noted that the early presidential elections in Azerbaijan ended on Wednesday, February 7, at six o’clock in the evening Belarusian time.

Aliyev signed the order to carry them out on December 7 last year.

Based on this document, the Central Election Commission set the voting day as February 7, 2024.

According to local media, preliminary results should be announced today, February 8.

It is known that in Azerbaijan the total number of voters was recorded at more than 6 million people.

Citizens could cast their votes at 6,537 polling stations. Over 90,000 observers worked during the elections.

With Baku once again in control of Karabakh, presidential elections were held across the entire recognized territory of the country for the first time.

According to press reports, 23,000 citizens could vote at polling stations located on lands not previously controlled by Baku.

And citizens outside Azerbaijan had the opportunity to vote at 47 polling stations in 37 countries.

It was previously reported that Ilham Aliyev was a candidate for the country’s highest official position.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.