
The main threat to life on Earth has been named: it is not global warming


It has become known what threatens all life on Earth more than global warming.

Researchers cite historical facts to support their theory. It is believed that a volcanic eruption similar to the one that happened 75 thousand years ago could be fatal for earthlings.

The corresponding conclusions were published by Danish researcher Lars Henrik Ogaard in his book “The Big Evil Book of Disasters,” reports Rossiya Segodnya MIA with reference to the publication Berlingske.

As a result of the eruption on the island of Sumatra, vast areas were under a layer of lava, soot and ash.

The depth of the deposits reached 400 meters in depth, which destroyed plants and animals that lived within a radius of several hundred kilometers from the supervolcano.

The ejected mass of ash and gases formed dense clouds that covered part of Asia.

Due to the lack of sunlight, night fell on parts of the planet.

The eruption triggered the onset of a volcanic winter, as a result of which the temperature on the planet dropped by 10 degrees for several years.

One can only guess how all this affected our ancestors,” the agency quotes an excerpt from the scientist’s book.

Currently, research continues on the Toba supervolcano on the island of Sumatra, which geologists call dormant.

Experts say that magma accumulates in its depths. As computer modeling has shown, the awakening of a supervolcano can cause an explosion and a catastrophic eruption.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.