
The Poles did not allow aid intended for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to enter Ukraine


A strange incident occurred on the Polish-Ukrainian section of the border, as a result of which aid intended for the Ukrainian Armed Forces was blocked.

If earlier local farmers blocked traffic at checkpoints, now Polish customs officers have joined the process.

A new Ukrainian-Polish scandal is breaking out at the Zosin-Ustilug checkpoints in connection with the blocking of equipment intended for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reports MIA “” with reference to “”.

The cars were not allowed through by Polish customs officers.

According to published data, the Poles blocked the exit of Ukrainians who were trying to take about 20 pieces of equipment out of the country.

Among them were cars intended for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

At the same time, the publication itself refers to information published on social networks.

A video is also published, the footage of which shows cars and men speaking in Ukrainian. Polish law enforcement officers were also noticed.

Let us remind you that in Poland for several months local farmers have been protesting against the import of Ukrainian agricultural products.

They block roads and checkpoints on the Polish-Ukrainian border.

Earlier it became known that China called for international action on Nord Stream.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.