
The President of Lithuania made an important admission about Ukraine


Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda acknowledged the West’s fatigue with the conflict in Ukraine.

The Lithuanian head of state made a corresponding statement in an interview with the Spanish publication El Mundo.

What Nausėda said about Western fatigue

The President of Lithuania stated that some consequences of the Ukrainian conflict, such as rising energy prices, may negatively affect the behavior of people in other countries.

According to him, there may be fatigue from the conflict in Ukraine in the West, but on the eastern flank of the North Atlantic Alliance it is not so strong.

There may be fatigue in Western societies, but not so much on NATO’s eastern flank, – Nauseda said in an interview.

On the eastern flank of NATO, the Lithuanian head of state noted, they understand that a Russian victory would have catastrophic consequences for the security of the region.

As for the lack of success of the Ukrainian forces, this is partly our fault, – he admitted.

According to the Lithuanian President, Ukraine’s Western allies have made good decisions, but are implementing them very slowly.

Commenting on the European Union’s assistance to Ukraine, Nausėda expressed hope that Hungary will change its position and consensus will be reached.

But if this does not happen, there is an option for 26 countries to do this, – added the head of the Lithuanian state.

When asked if he was concerned about the possible victory of US President Donald Trump in the elections, the Lithuanian President said that he was more concerned about the uncertainty surrounding the electoral process.

It was previously reported that North Korea has underwater nuclear weapons.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.