
The presidents of South Africa and Brazil refused to participate in the Swiss conference on Ukraine


The presidents of South Africa and Brazil refused to participate in the Swiss conference on resolving the conflict in Ukraine.

The event, we remind you, is expected to be held in the Alpine state on June 15 and 16.

About the refusal of South African leader Cyril Ramaphosa, TASS agency cited the official representative of the head of state, Vincent Magwenya.

He will not go there because of the constitutional processes that will take place in our country after the presidential elections, – said Ramaphosa’s representative.

It’s worth clarifying here: general elections are scheduled for May 29 in South Africa. The leader of the party that wins as a result will become the new president of the country.

The current ruling African National Congress party has approved Cyril Ramaphosa as its candidate for the post of head of state.

And before this, it became known about the refusal to participate in the Swiss conference of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

According to local media, the country’s authorities do not see the point in the Brazilian leader’s trip to Switzerland, since representatives of both sides of the conflict will not be present at the conference.

Let us add that, as the Swiss Foreign Ministry said, over 160 delegations have been invited to the conference, including representatives of the G7 and G20 countries, as well as BRICS.

Bern has not yet invited Russia to the upcoming event.

And the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that Moscow will not participate not only in the Swiss conference, but also in all events “according to Zelensky’s peace formula.”

Earlier, the Pope announced his participation in the Swiss conference on Ukraine.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.